Media about us

English translation.
Quote: “Another international Ukrainian-Romanian project in the field of modern biomedicine – “Personalized prevention tools in obesity and diabetes – a joint Romanian-Ukrainian programme of health education (PrePOD)”, which is funded by the European Union and co-financed by our university ( In total, 130 thousand euros were allocated for its implementation during the 18 months. We are talking about how to make a non-pharmaceutical influence on the development of obesity and diabetes in order to reduce the risks of getting the disease or reduce its intensity. The topics of this project have also been imposed on the COVID19 pandemic. After all, people who are overweight and have diabetes are at high risk of developing the disease, and especially concerning the severity of the disease. Within the framework of this project, four places of our region have been selected where scientists will share their experience on how to prevent the development of these pathologies. This is especially important for children because it is this group that shows the greatest dynamics of the increase in the number of children with overweight, obesity or even diabetes”.